Why Choose Us?

We are fully virtual analytics company with bookkeeping and tax services in addition. To give you the most accurate and genuine data, we also need to be part of the process of cleaning, reconciling and transforming your data. In the result, we created full-service accounting firm that provides real-time business and financial data that small business owners lack and miss to succeed in their business.

In that sense, our vision is to become the Financial North Star to small business owners. To achieve this vision, our current mission is to create a 360 degree view of their business and help them discover ins and outs of your business and analyze, track, and report on the company’s data in real time with the help of interactive data visualizations.
Start your 14-day trial

Our Story

Golden Armor was founded in 2021 by Bat and Bolor, husband and wife, who determined to break free from old traditional accounting reports using their expert analytical and visualization skills into practice to support small business owners in their journey towards financial freedom. They worked on a system that integrates all different accounting, marketing, sales and financial applications and transform those data into meaningful insightful reports that businesses can have real-time access. It was revolutionary for small businesses to have access to such all-around reports that usually big companies can afford and utilize in their businesses.
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What we're all about

Growing a business is team work. At Golden Armor, our values influence every decision we make.
Get personalized attention!!! We're genuinely here to help succeed your business.
Your Cloud accounting software is on us. Period. No more paying for accounting software.
You can connect with us many ways. Phone, email, chat, messages and virtual meetings.
We're passionate about numbers. Leave us the hassle of bookkeeping to us.

How does Golden Number work?

With these simple steps, you can have stress-free life. Spend time on things that matter.

Sign Up Your Trial Account

By signing up to our 14-day trial will initiate the beginning of our great relationship. This is a good chance to review and experience how our platform works and how easy to work with us. During this time, you can update your information, upload your documents and answer Discovery questions in the client portal. We have training videos for you to each step of the process. Within first 7 days, we will schedule our first consultation meeting to go over Discovery questions and understand your business needs so we will serve you better. And we will have another consultation meeting, we will propose you a solution to help your business. Since each business have different needs and wants, we tailor our service to each clients and try our best to help them succeed.

Start Compliance Work

If you agreed our proposal and signed a contract to work with us, our work will start with cleaning up the current physical year. We will help get your bookkeeping records up-to-date, accurate and complete setup and integrate the bookkeeping system with other platforms, clean-up previous months if required and making sure you are tax compliant. This step takes about 3 to 4 weeks depending on the amount of work required.

Access Finance Dashboards

Once all financial data is clean and accurate, we will hook up to our visualization platform and make sure it will automatically update and refresh every-day so that you can review it 24/7. Having this report available to you anytime is one of the main purpose of our business. You can download visualization app and can access anytime of day you want.
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